Programme or Initiative |
Leonardo da Vinci |
Title of the project |
Identification number |
LLP-LdV/TOI/2007/AT/0026 |
Year of implementation |
2007–2009 |
Website |
Aim of the project
To develop a standardised and internationally transferable certification system (“ECGC-certificate”) to acknowledge formally or non-formally acquired knowledge/skills/competences of career guidance counsellors that is compatible with the existing training offers. To attain the ECGC-exam/certificate it is not required to visit a certain course offer – the examinee can decide him/herself how to prepare for the exam/certificate depending on the already existent knowledge/skills/competences.
ECGC is developed on the basis of the MEVOC competence standards for career guidance counsellors (
- Transfer of the MEVOC-standards into the standardised ECGC-exam: Development of exam questions package and instructions for examiners. The ECGC-exam will be offered to career guidance counsellors and will be completed with the officially accepted ECGC-certificate.
- Transfer of the MEVOC-standards into a praxis-oriented exam preparation package for ECGC exam-takers to prepare for the exam individually.
- A strategy paper with suggestions on the legal regulation of the profession career guidance counsellor in European countries that have no legal regulation so far – on the basis of the European best practice country Switzerland (this step also includes an updated overview on the European career guidance systems), involving stakeholders, decision makers and experts representing the target group.
Contracting organisation
ibw –Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft, Austria.
Contact person: Monika Thum-Kraft, e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Partners’ organisations
Asset Technology Ltd., Greece.Website:
Berufsinformationszentrum der Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Austria. Website:
Careers Europe, United Kingdom. Website:
Donau-Universität Krems, Austria. Website:
Gesellschaft für angewandte Personalforschung, Germany. Website:
Høgskolen i Akershus, Norway/ Website:
Mobilitả e Lavoro Internazionale, Italy. Website:
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Lithuania. Website:
Contact person
Candidate for PhD Eilina Dailidienė, Center for Quality of Studies, Vytautas Magnus University.