Programme or Initiative |
Open Lithuanian Society Fund Education and Science programme |
Title of the project |
Year |
2003–2004 |
Aim of the project
To develop the model of study quality assurance for higher education institutions in Lithuania in the context of world wide experience.
- To analyze experience of foreign higher educations institutions developing study quality assurance system. To summarize the results of other countries’ experience and identify the principal parameters for Lithuanian higher education institutions that could serve for the assessment of quality of studies.
- To explore the needs of universities, colleges and employers for the development of study quality assurance and to learn the opportunities for their adaptation in universities and colleges. To create the methodology of study quality research corresponding to the international standards, that could be used for self-assessment in higher education institutions.
- To develop study quality assurance system model according to the needs of higher education institutions’ community and employers.
- To adapt created study quality assurance system model in particular university or college that participate in the project.
- To present project results and recommendations for education policy makers in the final conference devoted for the development of study quality assurance system.
- Identified dimensions of international study quality standards and defined self- assessment parameters that serve for the identification of the quality of studies in Lithuanian higher institutions.
- Developed study quality monitoring methodology for higher education institutions that corresponds to the international standards; identified state-of-art of the quality of studies at Lithuanian universities and colleges, its strengths and weakness marked out; identified needs of higher education institutions’ community and employers for the development of internal study quality self-assessment system; formulated main principles for the creation of the study quality assurance system.
- Developed study quality assurance system’s model in accordance with international standards and Lithuanian context.
- Adapted functioning study quality assurance system’s model according to the particular needs of the project partners.
- Published a set of articles “Modelling of study quality assurance system in the context of world wide experience” that deals with the principal parameters for self-assessment and quality monitoring of Lithuanian higher education institutions in the international context; set recommendations for the education policy makers and for the university and college community members.
Contracting organisation
Center for Quality of Studies, Vytautas Magnus University
Partners’ organisations
Center for Quality Assesment in Higher Education, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Klaipėda University, Kaunas College.
Contact person
Dr. Audronė Allan, Center for Quality of Studies, Vytautas Magnus University