Requirements for manuscripts

Manuscripts for journal editorial board should be submitted by email in English or Lithuanian, written by MS Word, using Times New Roman font, in 12 point. Length of manuscript depending of its type should not exceed 7500-8500 words. Text of manuscript should be double-spaced with page margins from top – 5 cm; bottom – 5 cm; left – 3 cm and right side – 3 cm. Annexes are attached just in case when the logic of the research requires them.

Structure of the manuscript should be in line with APA (American Psychological Association) style 6th edition ( and composed with:

  • Title of manuscript (14 pt, bold),
  • Author‘s name and surname, institutional affiliation, city and  / or state (12 pt, italic),
  • Abstract (150-250 words),
  • Definitions of key words used in the text of manuscript (additional requirement to APA style 6th edition),
  • Introduction with research problem importance, relevant scholarship and research design,
  • Method,
  • Results,
  • Discussion,
  • References
  • Appendices

More please look at American Psychological Association (2012). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC, 21-61.

In separate page should be presented information about author or authors: name, surname, institution, research interests, contact information (e-mail address).


Quotation in the manuscript text should follow APA style 6th edition recommendations, ethical requirements and avoid charges of plagiarism. In text of manuscript should be pointed out surname of author (or authors) and year of publication of source (Johnson, 2010; Johnson and Watson, 2010). If the precise quotation is used in the text of manuscript, after surname and year of publication the number of page should be presented in which quotation could be found (Johnson, 2010, p.23; Johnson & Watson, 2011, p.24). Internet source is treated the same as other sources or publications and are quoted according APA style 6th edition. More please look at and American Psychological Association (2012). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC, 169-179).


In the list of references all sources cited in the text of manuscript should be presented in alphabetic order, pointing out surname, names initials, year of publication (in the brackets), title of the article or the book (or it chapter), source (of journal; of book, editors of book if they are), number (volume), pages. For books or it chapters the city, publishing house where the source was published should be presented. More please look at APA style 6th edition ( or American Psychological Association (2012). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).  Washington DC, 180-224).


When acronym is used first time in the text its full title is presented. The mechanics of style of text writing of manuscript should be in line with APA style 6th edition ( or American Psychological Association (2012). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC, 87-124

Visual information

Abbreviations and symbols used in tables should be in line with used in manuscript text or explained in footnotes.

Tables according internal layout of the journal are presented with titles in the centre above the table, number of table is presented above the title of the table in the right side.

Figures, pictures, diagrams and schemes also should be with numbers, titles, which are presented in the centre below visual information.  The copies should be of good quality in white and black colours. More please look at or American Psychological Association (2012). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington DC, 125-161).


Footnotes should be used for short explanations or acknowledments. In other cases footnotes should be avoided.


When manuscript is accepted for publication the final version of hard copy of manuscript should be signed by author or authors as well as declaration of honesty, which both send off to editorial board.


A copy of the manuscript, being printed in the journal must be signed by the author (authors) and delivered by mail. An electronic version of the manuscript should be sent by email.

Address of Editorial Board