
  • Jan M. Pawlowski
    Global learning quality  More
  • Airina Volungevičienė, Margarita Teresevičienė
    Quality assessment dimensions of distance teaching/lerning cucciculum designing  More
  • Tim McMahon, Hemal Thakore 
    Teaching online - a research-based guide for academics  More
  • Aleksandras Targamadzė, Rūta Petrauskienė
    The Quality of distance learning in the situation of technological change  More
  • Audronė Allan, Ilona Lukoševičiutė-Noreikienė
    Quality assessment of a blended studies course in the context of open lerning ideas: a case study  More
  • Sigitas Daukilas, Irma Kačinienė, Daiva Vaišnorienė, Vytautas Vaščila
    Factors that impact quality of e-teaching/leraning technologies in higher education  More
  • Nijolė Vitienė, Rita Mičiulienė
    Application of criteria-referenced assessment and qualitative feedback to develop foreign language speaking skills in the context of e-teaching/lerning  More


Jan M. Pawlowski
University of Jyvaskyla


Global learning quality 


Learning, education, and training becomes more and more internationalized. As examples, study programs are exported across borders, curricula are harmonized across Europe, learners work in globally distributed groups. However, the quality of educational offers differs dramatically. In this paper, an approach to manage quality for globally distributed education providers is presented. The key areas of global learning quality are defined. Based on this concept, a sample implementation is described using the international quality standard ISO/IEC 19796-1. The paper shows how quality should be implemented and identifies key challenges.

Key words
Open content, Global Learning Quality, Global Education Setting, Competency, Qualification, Staff competencies, Education adaptation (also localization), Education internationalization, International Stakeholder.

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Airina Volungevičienė, Margarita Teresevičienė
Vytautas Magnus University

Quality assessment dimensions of distance teaching/lerning cucciculum designing 

The paper presents scientific literature analysis in the area of distance teaching/learning curriculum designing and quality assessment. The aim of the paper is to identify quality assessment dimensions of distance teaching/learning curriculum designing. The authors of the paper agree that quality assessment should be considered during the curriculum design by performing reflective quality assessment. Synthesis of different scientific ideas with regard to distance teaching/learning curriculum designing are presented and discussed in the paper, and then the quality assessment dimensions of distance teaching/learning curriculum designing are presented.

Key words
Teaching/learning quality, Quality evaluation, Quality assessment dimension, Teaching/learning curriculum, Designing teaching/learning curriculum, Distance teaching/learning, Distance teaching/learning curriculum.

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Tim McMahon, Hemal Thakore 
University College Dublin, University of Limeric

Teaching online - a research-based guide for academics 

The essential lessons from the research literature on successful e-learning are brought together to show how to structure online learning. The results are presented within the framework provided by the seven maxims for effective teaching formulated by McMahon (2006).

Key words
Higher order learning, Chunks, European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), Feedback, Role specific learning, WebQuest, Constructivist learning theory, Constructivist, Nominal group technique, Experiential learning, Problem-based learning, Trouble-shooter, Schema, Signal-to-noise ratio, Synchronous discussion, Chunking, Self-paced learning, Learning Object, Learning outcomes, Grading criteria, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

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Aleksandras Targamadzė, Rūta Petrauskienė
Kaunas University of Technology

The Quality of distance learning in the situation of technological change 

This paper analyses challenges for higher education raised by the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The paper explores the enhancement of distance education leading to new opportunities to improve quality and develop services in higher education institutions. The paper overviews technical means and systems and also the newest technologies, which are successfully making their way to education and in the nearest future, will have even greater influence on the development of the latter.

Key words
E-learning, Information communication technologies, The Internet, System of distance learning, Distance learning, Improvement of distance study quality, Studies, Study quality, Virtual space, Virtual learning.

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Audronė Allan, Ilona Lukoševičiutė-Noreikienė
Vytautas Magnus University

Quality assessment of a blended studies course in the context of open lerning ideas: a case study 

This paper analyses problems of course evaluation in the frame work of open learning. It introduces the process of quality assessment of one specific blended learning course. The centre of research is an individual student. From his perspective, an attempt is being made to look at the course as an opening to new study possibilities. In addition, the paper defines criteria and indicators of course quality assessment that are employed for the concept of open learning. These criteria and indicators are employed in the evaluation of a separate course of university studies that is provided by means of blended learning.

Key words
Open learning, E-learning, Information and communication technology (ICT), Blended learning, Learning culture, Distance teaching, Distance education, Student studying gals, Agreed study gals, Tutor.

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Sigitas Daukilas, Irma Kačinienė, Daiva Vaišnorienė, Vytautas Vaščila
Lithuanian University of Agriculture

Factors that impact quality of e-teaching/leraning technologies in higher education 

The article analyzes and assesses factors that have impact upon the quality of eTeaching/learning technologies in higher education; it is on their basis that the concept of eTeaching/learning quality is defined. Research data about the students’ motives in choosing various teaching/learning technologies for the development of their competence are presented together with teacher possibilities to create interactive virtual environments that motivate eTeaching/learning. The obtained research revealed that verbal and interactive technologies based on explanatory illustrational method are more favoured by both students and teachers who aim at study quality. Higher education teachers, aiming at achieving better eTeaching/learning quality, integrate the elements of these technologies into traditional methodologies, developing a blended distance education model.

Key words
E-teaching/learning quality assurance, E-Teaching/learning technology, Transformation of abilities, Information technologies, Competency, Competence, Qualification, Motivation, Motive, Distance education.

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Nijolė Vitienė, Rita Mičiulienė 
Alytus College, Lithuanian University of Agriculture

Application of criteria-referenced assessment and qualitative feedback to develop foreign language speaking skills in the context of e-teaching/lerning 

Responsive information is one of the factors that determine the quality of higher education. The factor is especially important for eLearning where a direct communication between a lecturer and a student is replaced with a virtual one. How may a qualitative responsive information, in other words feedback (see the definitions of key words), help study foreign languages more effectively when choosing eLearning course? The article proposes a hypothesis that the clarity and precision of qualitative feedback, a systematic and individual presentation of the information as well as evaluation criteria, introduced to the students of eCourse in advance is an effective means to improve their foreign language skills. Quasi-experiment conducted in Alytus College in 2008 revealed that the criteria defined and discussed in advance and well-timed and disciplined provision of feedback helped the majority of students improve their achievements in French continuous oral expression.

Key words
E-learning, Feedback, Verbal (continuous oral) expression, Qualitative feedback, Criteria-referenced assessment, Didactics of foreign language teaching, Visual and/or sound reception.

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