Kęstutis Pukelis, Antanas Smetona
Harmonisation of the educational concept Learning Outcome in the Lithuanian language More -
Kęstutis Pukelis
Study programme designing and renewal: learning outcomes paradigm More -
Izabela Savickienė
Designing of student learning achievement evaluation More -
Eglė Stasiūnaitienė, Odeta Norkutė
Qualitative parameters of practice during university studies More -
Naser Shirbagi
Iranian university teachers’ and students’ views on effectiveness of students’ evaluation of teaching More -
Nora Pileičikienė
Stakeholders’ cooperation in the study programme quality assurance: theory and practice in Lithuania More - Lena Boström
How do teacher students for compulsory school learn compared to music teacher students in Sweden? A comparative study of two different student teacher groups in Sweden More
Kęstutis Pukelis, Antanas Smetona
Vytautas magnus University, Vilnius University
Harmonisation of the educational concept Learning Outcome in the Lithuanian language
In this article, an example of translation of the English term learning outcome into the Lithuanian system of educational terms is used to discuss semantic peculiarities of translating professional terms. Consistency of a concept signifier and content of a concept, as well as their tune with already existing systems of educational terms are revealed, taking into consideration different evolution of education, cultural tradition and linguistic as well as terminological differences. Semantic risks of direct translations from one system of educational terms into another when a translated term does not correspond to the original meaning of a phenomenon in a primary educational tradition are identified.
Key words
Definition, nomenclature, concept, characteristic of a concept, harmonisation of concepts, learning achievement, learning grade, learning result, learning outcome, term, harmonisation of terms, signifier.
Kęstutis Pukelis
Vytautas magnus University
Study programme designing and renewal: learning outcomes paradigm<
This article presents generalisations drawn from experience gained designing and renewing study programmes so that the use of learning outcomes became the underlying principle of curriculum organisation. Conceptions of a purpose (profile), aim and outcomes of a study programme are presented, their formulation requirements are discussed and examples of their formulations are given. The logic of designing study programmes on the basis of learning outcomes is discussed; the structure of learning outcomes and the links of its dimensions and parameters are analysed; possibilities for critical coordination of divided and grouped study programme outcomes, as well as examples and an analysis of links among components of a study programme, are presented; illustrative outcomes of study programme components, and criteria for assessment of their achievement, are provided; some problems related to allocation of study credits to learning outcomes are discussed.
Key words
Aptitude, ability, automatic activity, competence, skill, study programme components.
Izabela Savickienė
Vytautas magnus University
Designing of student learning achievement evaluation
This article aims to solve the following problematic issue: how the most essential elements of student learning achievement evaluation should be properly designed? The answers are pursued by the validation of identification of evaluation types, formulation of evaluation criteria and choice of assessment methods. Designing of the most essential elements of student learning achievement evaluation is illustrated by examples that could be applied in practice when developing and renewing study programmes.
Key words
Evaluation, evaluation criteria, evaluation types, student learning achievements, assessment, assessment method.<
Eglė Stasiūnaitienė, Odeta Norkutė
Vytautas magnus University
Qualitative parameters of practice during university studies
In this article, relevance of practice during university studies is highlighted, as well as the main stages of its organisation, qualitative parameters, as well as criteria and indicators that validate them are defined. Discussion on the idea that taking into consideration qualitative parameters of organising practice as a component of studies in the system of higher education helps achieving quality of studies and closer cooperation between the labour world and universities is provided.
Key words
Quality, quality criterion, quality indicators, qualitative parameters, practice, practice institution, practice documents, practice supervisor at university, Practice supervisor at company (organisation).
Naser Shirbagi
University of Kurdistan
Iranian university teachers’ and students’ views on effectiveness of students’ evaluation of teaching>
The main purpose of this research is to examine the effectiveness of Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) from a sample of university teachers’ and students’ view. The study adopts exploratory descriptive design. Participants of this research were 300 teachers and 600 graduate students from 3 Iranian higher education institutions. A 30-item format questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. Responses to the items were made on a five-point Likert scale anchored with strongly agree and strongly disagree. Results show that Cronbach alfa coefficients of measures are in satisfactory level (.86 for teachers’ version and .88 for students’ version). There are statistically significant differences among teachers and students based on gender, teaching experience, tenure and major. The teachers highly agreed with using different evaluation methods (e.g., peers evaluation, self-evaluation, and administrators) instead of merely relay on Student evaluation of teaching method. The study presents a challenge to the use of SET in higher education system in Iran and, in particular, raises questions about fairness if such ratings are to be used in decisions relating to employment issues. The findings suggest that SET should be applied cautiously in faculty performance evaluation.
Key words
Student evaluation of teaching, teaching effectiveness, Halo effect.
Nora Pileičikienė
Vytautas Magnus University
Stakeholders’ cooperation in the study programme quality assurance: theory and practice in Lithuania
The teaching profession has been continually challenged to provide evidence of the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods. The teacher education systems are currently undergoing reforms in Sweden. Hence, it is importance for educational institutions to be aware of the different ways that their student teachers learn and it is importance for prospective teachers to become aware of their own learning styles. The purpose of this research was to explore the learning styles preferences for two groups of prospective teachers: music teachers and regular compulsory classroom teachers and to analyze their differences in the light of international research on learning styles. If these groups of prospective teachers differ, this would have an impact on higher education, students’ learning strategies and teachers’ teaching strategies. The study involved 65 randomly selected student teachers. Thirty-three were student teachers for compulsory school and 32 were music student teachers.
Key words
Stakeholders, study programme, study programme quality assurance.
Lena Boström
Mid Sweden University
How do teacher students for compulsory school learn compared to music teacher students in Sweden? A comparative study of two different student teacher groups in Sweden
The teaching profession has been continually challenged to provide evidence of the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods. The teacher education systems are currently undergoing reforms in Sweden. Hence, it is importance for educational institutions to be aware of the different ways that their student teachers learn and it is importance for prospective teachers to become aware of their own learning styles. The purpose of this research was to explore the learning styles preferences for two groups of prospective teachers: music teachers and regular compulsory classroom teachers and to analyze their differences in the light of international research on learning styles. If these groups of prospective teachers differ, this would have an impact on higher education, students’ learning strategies and teachers’ teaching strategies. The study involved 65 randomly selected student teachers. Thirty-three were student teachers for compulsory school and 32 were music student teachers.
Twenty subscales of the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS) (Dunn, Dunn & Price, 1984, 1991, 2000; Annex 1) were used to identify the learning-styles preferences of the participants. The results showed statistically significant differences between the two teacher student groups. Based on the results, it can be concluded that in comparison to music teacher students, compulsory teacher students differed in their choice of more formal designs, routine, and the times of the day when they would prefer to learn. The findings suggested the need for widely diverse teaching approaches in higher education for teachers.
Key words
Learning styles preferences, music teacher students, teacher students, teacher training.