
  • Tim McMahon, Hemal Thakore
    Achieving constructive aligment: putting outcomes first More
  • Kęstutis Pukelis, Nora Pileičikienė
    Study programme quality peculiarities at some Lithuanian universities and colleges: study outcomes paradigm More
  • Audronė Valiuškevičiūtė, Areta Žiogevičiūtė
    Responsibility of university and college staff for higher education quality management More
  • Izabela Savickienė
    Priorities of higher education quality improvement: student and teacher attitude More
  • Gintautė Žibėnienė,Vilija Targamadzė
    Harmonization of higher education system in Lithuania - prerequisite for quality improvement of studies More
  • Inga Juknytė-Petreikienė
    Parameters of higher school internationalization and quality assessment More
  • Genutė Gedvilienė, Vilhelmina Vaičiūnienė
    Information literacy competencies as prerequisite for quality in university studies More


Tim McMahon, Hemal Thakore
University College Dublin

Achieving constructive aligment: putting outcomes first

This paper starts from the premise that using learning outcomes to organise the curriculum has been demonstrated to be beneficial to both students and teachers. Accepting, however, that there are legitimate concerns over the extent to which the use of learning outcomes can inhibit originality and critical thinking of students, this paper uses the results of the evaluation of a major curriculum reform to derive guidelines on the formulation of learning outcomes and on how best they can be used by teachers to foster these mentioned attributes in students.

Key words
Higher education, skill, evaluation, competency, constructive alignment, critical thinking, tacit knowledge, outcomes-based curriculum, learning, learning goals, learning outcomes, learning objectives, assessment assessors.

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Kęstutis Pukelis, Nora Pileičikienė
Vytautas Magnus University

Study programme quality peculiarities at some Lithuanian universities and colleges: study outcomes paradigm

The article presents the findings of the research into professional development needs of study programme managers at four Lithuanian higher education schools (two universities and two colleges) and a revised methodology for research into study programme managers professional development needs in the didactical domain of teacher qualification related to designing, realizing and improvement study programmes within the study outcome paradigm. The research participants were 149 study programme managers (84 from universities and 65 from colleges). The purpose of the present research is to further a discussion on the improvement of study programme quality within the study outcome paradigm.

Key words
Core/general skills, didactical qualification of the teacher, teacher‘s qualification, employability, competency, competence, qualification, social partnership, stakeholders, social skills, study quality improvement, study quality assurance, study achievements, study programme, study programme manager, study outcomes (learning outcomes).

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Audronė Valiuškevičiūtė, Areta Žiogevičiūtė
Vytautas Magnus University

Responsibility of university and college staff for higher education quality management

The article analyses the issue of indefiniteness of higher education quality management as a specific area of quality management. It analyses the participation of staff in the development of quality culture. It investigates the perceptions of university and college staff of their responsibilities to participate in quality management. On the basis of three dimensions (processes, functions and levels) it seeks to define the area of quality management, to reveal the approach of communities of Lithuanian universities and colleges to the distribution of responsibility for quality in the organization and to identify the level of readiness the staff at Lithuanian universities and colleges ensuring for quality management. The research determined that all staff groups consider quality management at individual level to be their most important responsibility. Their contribution to institutional assessment and audit of quality management system has a lower priority. On the basis of the obtained research results it is possible to assume that quality management at colleges is more advanced than at universities: at colleges, the responsibility for quality distribution is more agreed upon, there is more commitment to contribute to a number of quality management areas. Quality management areas that need improvement were also determined in higher education institutions.

Key words
Academic staffs of higher education institution, quality evaluation, quality control, quality culture, quality development, quality processes, quality monitoring, quality improvement, quality assurance, quality assurance system, quality management, quality management function, quality management responsibility, quality management system, audit of quality management system, quality management activity area, quality assessment managerial staff of higher education institution.

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Izabela Savickienė
Vytautas Magnus University

Priorities of higher education quality improvement: student and teacher attitude

Higher education quality improvement is a constant and continuous university activity and its implementation should be given a priority. This article analyses the most important tasks set at three Lithuanian universities seeking to improve higher education quality: the improvement of higher education quality assurance system, teacher professional development and student achievement improvement. These dimensions of higher education quality are characterised by assessment criteria, used as the basis in revealing student and teacher attitude to priorities of higher education quality improvement.

Key words
Priorities of improvement, dimensions of higher education quality, higher education quality improvement, higher education quality assurance, higher education quality at universities.

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Gintautė Žibėnienė, Vilija Targamadzė
Vilnius Pedagogical University

Harmonization of higher education system in Lithuania - prerequisite for quality improvement of studies

The article examines harmonization of higher education as an prerequisite of improvement of study quality in Lithuania. It overviews the development of higher education and criteria of university and higher non-university study programmes. An assumption is made that higheruniversity and higher non-university studies are poorly harmonized and the strategy for realization of studies is lacking relevant coherence. Unification of assessment criteria shows lack of harmonization in and between non-university and university studies as well as the problem of realization of the mission of components of a binary higher education system.

Key words
Harmonization of higher education system, the binary system of higher education, a component of the binary system, a component quality improvement of studies, study programme quality assessment criterion, study programme quality assessment indicator.

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Inga Juknytė-Petreikienė
College of Social Sciences

Parameters of higher school internationalization and quality assessment

The article presents the analysis of higher education internationalization, its conceptions and forms of manifestation. It investigates the ways and means of higher education internationalization, the diversity of higher school internationalization motives, the issues of higher education internationalization quality assessment, presenting an overview of assessment of higher education internationalization quality. On the basis of higher education internationalization parameters and quality management theory and practice, it is proposed to apply such a methodology of higher education internationalization quality assessment which would allow assessing the quality of higher education internationalization and its developmental tendencies in a proper and qualified way, according to the defined internationalization quality dimensions, criteria and indicators.

Key words
Internationalization of higher education, assessment of higher education, internationalization, quality organizational structures of higher school for internationalization of institution, parameters of higher school internationalization, initiatives of higher school for internationalization, internationalization at institutional level, franchise agreement in higher education, dimensions of study internationalization, criteria of study internationalization, indicators of study internationalization.

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Genutė Gedvilienė, Vilhelmina Vaičiūnienė
Vytautas Magnus University

Information literacy competencies as prerequisite for quality in university studies

This paper presents a quantitative analysis of information literacy competencies level within nine universities of Lithuania. The empirical research was carried out in 2005 with a research sample of 700 respondents. Comparative analysis of the data between full-time and extramural study mode students revealed differences in the level of competencies between students in the two modes of study. The article presents a theoretical overview of the relevant literature and policy documents relating to information literacy and discusses the research findings obtained in a questionnaire survey. The current situation related to information literacy competencies and the need to develop them is revealed.

Key words
Ability, skill information, literacy standards for higher education, information literacy, competency.

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