Programme or Initiative |
National project supported by EU Structural Funds |
Title of the project |
Identification number |
BPD2004-ESF-2.5.0-01-04/0014 |
Identification number |
2005-2008 |
Website |
Aim of the project
To design guidelines of conceptual, methodical and intellectual assumptions for the development of educational quality assurance system in Lithuania and train qualified specialists of educational quality management in four Lithuanian universities – Klaipėda University, Šiauliai University, Vilnius Pedagogical University and Vytautas Magnus University.
- To develop conceptual and theoretical assumptions for a new study programme.
- To develop the qualification inventory of educational quality manager profession.
- To develop and implement a new master programme “Educational Quality Management”.
- To organise and train inter-university teams comprehending the meaning of this programme, anticipating the whole process of training educational quality managers and being able to work together while implementing the programme.
- To supply a new programme with essential resources: modern literature, methodical material and technical devices.
- To evaluate quality of the developed study programme.
The main results of the project refer to the development of:
- Survey for conception of quality assurance in educational system
- Qualification inventory of educational quality manager profession.
- Master degree study programme. "Educational Quality Management"
- Handbooks for students and lecturers regarding the different modules of programme:
- Personel Councelling and Management of Training
- Handbook for teacher
- Handbook for student
- Educational Management
- Handbook for teacher
- Handbook for student
- Quality Management Systems
- Handbook for teacher
- Handbook for student
- Modern organizational management theories
- Handbook for teacher
- Handbook for student
- Methodology of Educational Quality Assessment
- Handbook for teacher
- Handbook for student
- Quality Management of Educational Organizations
- Handbook for teacher
- Handbook for student
- Quality of teaching/study programmes
- Handbook for student
- Methodology of individual research
- Handbook for student
- Phylosophical conceptions of education
- Handbook for student
- Applied educational sociology
- Handbook for student
- Social research in education
- Handbook for student
- National systems of education
- Handbook for student
- Personel Councelling and Management of Training
- 85 educational quality managers being trained during programme’s piloting in four Lithuanian universities" The list of master thesis
- The library supplemented with latest publications on educational quality management issues in English.
Contracting organisation
Centre for Quality of Studies at Vytautas Magnus University
Partners’ organisations
Klaipėda University, Lithuania. Website:
Šiauliai University, Lithuania. Website:
Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania. Website:
Contact person
Candidate for PhD Eilina Dailidienė, Centre for Quality of Studies, Vytautas Magnus University